Song of the Chabots

At the September 28, 2008 annual meeting, a committee was formed to choose the melody of the theme song of the Association of the Chabots whose lyrics were composed by Paul Lachance. The song, text and music, were finally officially adopted by vote of the members present at the annual meeting of the Association held on October 7, 2012 in St-François-de-la-Rivière-du-Sud.

The music used with to Mr. Paul Lachance’s lyrics was composed by Mr. Yves Dionne, music teacher, who has graciously agreed to transfer the rights to the Association. Ms. Sylvie Roy (BK61502, member # 329), the sister of the latter, has presented the song to the members at a meeting. Everyone immediately sang the chorus of the catchy tune. In the recording provided by Ms. Roy, the voice of Julie Carrier, her sister in law, was added to hers.

Following its adoption, members requested that the theme song be recorded and distributed on compact disc (CD). As there was unanimity on the proposal, the new executive will make the necessary steps for its implementation. Besides, Ms. Dionne has offered assistance since she has contact for this purpose.

Pending the release of the CD, here is the home version provided by the authors …

Song of the Chabots

by Sylvie Roy et Julie Carrier (performers) - Paul Lachance (lyrics) - Yves Dionne (music)

Song of the Chabots lyrics

Note: Two minor corrections were made to the original text (the words have been underlined), corrections that the author, Paul Lachance, agrees with.

Tous les Chabot qui vivent en Amérique
Viennent de France, pays de Mathurin,
Et quand ils fêtent, ils font de la musique,
On reconnaît les joyeux poitevins!

Verse 1
Ils ont vécu sur la grande Île
Près de Québec, au Canada.
Ce n‘était pas toujours facile,
On faisait tout, même soldat!

Verse 2
On y trouvait de jolies femmes
Qui savaient coudre et bien chanter.
Et si parfois venaient les drames…
On oubliait dans l’amitié…

Verse 3
Grand Mathurin aimait Marie
Sa douce épouse au nom d’oiseau.
Cette «mésange» était l’envie
De tous les noirs étourneaux…

Verse 4
Tous les Chabot aiment à rire
Avec les gens qui sont près d’eux.
Ce n’est pas cher un beau sourire
Et tout le monde en est heureux!



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