Benefits of our membership

You know your parents and grand-parents, but what about your ancestors?

we have all the documentation accumulated by the Quebec Government Archives at our disposal. This allows us to access quantities of documents relating to our ancestors.

Moreover, in each of our families, on or more members documented the history of their lineage to pass on to their descendants.


Since the foundation, the Chabot Association is able to help you in your endeavor.

To date, we have recorded, in our genealogy program called Brother’s Keeper, 15 generations, nearly 35 473 Chabot whose common ancestor is Mathurin We located and scanned more than 44 976 photos which are connected to it. We also have many family documents which tell so many fascinating stories.

We have also created the first genealogical dictionary of Mathurin’s descendants.

All this material, which grows richer every day, is at the disposal of our members.


What is the purpose of the Association?

The purpose of our association is to promote the history of our ancestors, Mathurin Chabot and Marie Mésangé, and their many descendants especially in America. It allows to create and maintain a link between the Chabots from Quebec, Canada, US, France and all over the world.

You are invited to look up the MISSION et HISTORY sections of our website to learn more about the purpose, the goals, the objectives and the founding of the Association of the Chabots.


Who can become a member of the Association of the Chabots?

First of all, it is imperative to know that: You do not have to bear the name Chabot to join the Association of the Chabots. Quite the contrary! For example, because they have adopted the name of their spouse or because their father was not a Chabot, even if their mother or grandmother was a Chabot. The Association currently has several members who are in this situation. Moreover, it goes without saying that the vast majority of spouses who do not carry the name of Chabot can become members.
The Association of the Chabots is open to anyone who is interested in the family heritage of founding families of Quebec. Of course, all people of Chabot ancestry, whether on the paternal or the maternal side, or who are joined in marriage to Chabots, are specifically invited to join the Association.

We hope to have the chance to get you to join our Association!



You want to become a member of the association of the Chabots, enjoy the benefits and privileges exclusive to member and contribute to our mission? Come this way!


Association des Chabot

Le but de l'Association des Chabot est de faire connaître l’histoire de nos ancêtres ainsi que de leurs nombreux descendants en Amérique, afin de créer et de maintenir un lien entre les Chabot du monde entier.




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