Marcel Chabot

A valuable member

MEMBER no. 96

Son of Alphée Chabot and Eugénie Chabot, Marcel is the youngest of 11 children and it surely forged is identity.

Marcel Chabot | Membre indispensable de l'Association des ChabotMan of words, he handles expressions,  Homme de mots, il manie avec aisance les expressions, figure of speech, syntax and all the rules related to the construction of a sentence.

His love for the French language is so deep that he will rather juggle with word than put photos in the articles he writes.

He is the kind of man you can count on and when he is assigned a task, he will put all his talent and his energies toward his goal and he will complete his mission.

With his computer skills, he has built the first association’s website, which he supported for a few years, free of charge. With is selfless generosity, he helped me numerous time to tie up articles for our magazine, the Chabotteries.

He becomes a member of the association in 2007 and he went to every annual gatherings. He accepted a seat in our Board of Directors as secretary, seat that he let go a couple of years ago, but he is still always eager to help if the Association needs him.

A man with a big heart, he is the memory keeper of his family, which he shared with us through the tales and stories he wrote for our magazine. If you want to figure out the depth of his work, you have to read every article he wrote for our Chabotterie‘s issues.

As the founder of the association, nobody can express better than me, in my name and in the name of every Chabot, our deep gratitude to this member who deserve all of our esteem and respect.

Thank you Marcel,


Claude Chabot, member no. 1
Association des Chabot founding president


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