Claude Dion

Personal Information

Born in 1966 in Saint-Lazare-de-Bellechasse, Claude Dion is the son of Marguerite Chabot and Jean-Guy Dion. He now lives in Saint-Charles-de-Bellechasse.


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Claude Dion was born on January 7, 1966 in St-Lazare de Bellechasse. He is the fourth child in a family of six. His parents are Marguerite Chabot (July 11, 1935) and Jean-Guy Dion (July 10, 1935).

Claude moved to St-Charles-de-Bellechasse in 1993, the year he married Chantale Vermette of St-Gervais. Their love for each other multiplied with the arrival of 2 children. Jean-Philippe, born in April 1996, is a glassmaker like his grandfather and father. Kassandra, born in October 2000, works as a specialized educator in a daycare center.

Claude has been heavily involved as a volunteer in field hockey, track and field, soccer and judo, sports in which his children have blossomed and indulged their passions. Wonderful family moments.

Claude’s hobby is photography. In the near future, he wants to get back into woodworking to make toys and furniture.

He became a member of the Association des Chabot in the summer of 2023, and soon after became a member of the Board of Directors. Since February 2024, he has also been a joint signatory on banking transactions with Louis-Georges Chabot, treasurer of the Association.



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