Ancestry line - Member's area | Association des Chabot

Maternal or paternal’s ancestry line title

In the ancestry line title of a given person, you will generally find 13 generations, beginning with them and more Chabot families. You will see their name, the name of their spouse, the date and place of their birth, of their wedding and of their death.

To ensure the authenticity of the document, the Association des Chabots emblem and the signature of the Association’s sitting president at the moment when the title was issued are mandatory.

You would like to have your own Ancestry line title? Contact us for more details!

Ancestry line of your Board of Directors

To view and download the document (PDF file – in French), open the person’s tab and click on the link.

Maryo Tremblay - President

View and download Maryo Tremblay’s maternal ancestry line (PDF – in French)


View and download

Clément Chabot - Secretary

View and download Clément Chabot’s paternal ancestry line (PDF – in French)


View and download

Brother’s Keeper in genealogy

Brother’s Keeper is a powerful genealogy software to help you collect data about your ancestors. If you are a beginner or if you want to learn more about the advanced features available, join this private Facebook group (in French).



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