Le conseil d'administration de l'Association des Chabot 2022-2023

Be part of the Chabot Association’s Annual General Meeting and Gathering!
Confirm your attendance and join us on September 21.

We’d like to invite you to the Association des Chabot’s annual gathering on September 21, at the Centre multifonctionnel, 2, Furois Street in La Durantaye.

On the program:

9:00 am | Welcome and registration. Coffee and surprise animatio.
Visit the exhibitors: crafts by the Chabots, genealogy table, Chabotteries archives (2007 to 2024), etc.
10:30 a.m. | Jean-Marie Chabot will present the history of the family founded by his father and mother (Adrien Chabot and Jeannette Henry) and their descendants.
11 h 15 | General meeting
12:00 p.m. | A drink to the «health» of the Association and hot buffet by Délices quotidiens
1:30 p.m. | La Culottée: a show by Valérie Bilodeau, storyteller and fiddler
Half-and-half draw
Animation and visit of exhibitors

Registration and meal :

30 $ for members
35 $ for non-members

For full details of this event, we invite you to consult the complete document by clicking on the link below. You can also print out your reply coupon, which you can mail to us with your payment. You can also confirm your participation by sending us an email at lgchabot@association-chabot.com

We look forward to seeing many of you at this annual gathering. Your participation in our activities contributes greatly to the vitality and continuity of the Association des Chabot.

We look forward to seeing you on September 21!

Members of the Board of Directors

Armoiries - Association des Chabot


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